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Free for Film Co-op Members
$10 for non-members
Workshop Instructor: William Morton
Workshop Description: You may dream in IMAX but you must make them sit up and take notice with 720i.
Writers are generally good at writing stories and terrible at telling them, unless they are reading aloud, word for word, from their own text to a captive audience. That is not a luxury that a screenwriter has. A screenwriter at some point must be able to tell the story of their screenplay in a way that draws others into the world that the screenwriter has created and then want to create that world on the screen. This is where the art of storytelling for meaning and response is required. Storytelling is the art that predates ART and it is an Art that takes skill. This workshop will not make you a wizard but... you will learn some of the basic skills that will make any writer a storyteller in word as well as deed.
Biography: Lifelong reader William Morton's first exposure to public speaking was in high school, and in his second year at McGill, he won the Birk's Trophy for Homiletics. Articles, op-eds, and a weekly column in the Sherbrooke Record in the late 70's gave him seasoned experience writing professionally. William has spent more than 30 years relating 2000-year-old stories to people and challenging them to hear them in new and meaningful ways. He has also taught public speaking and homiletics classes and supervised student clergy. William has privately coached engineers, physicists, social activists, and politicians in the art of storytelling for meaning and response.
William is currently working on a screenplay and a book of poetry.